This session was my final chance to cast from my mould and work on the rest of my pieces from the short course.
I started the session with casting in latex and expanding foam! This is something I was incredibly interested in doing with my mould as I wanted to try and create a prosthetic style mask with enough rigidity to hold its form and be able to last for a run of performances.
To start, I used a small amount of liquid latex (after spilling a fair bit down myself) to put a two thin coats of liquid latex inside the mould, drying it under the hand drier between coats. After covering a board to go over the mould in a thin layer of vaseline to stop the foam from sticking, I then had to mix the expanding foam. This was a fascinating process but had to be done incredibly quickly and so I did not manage to get any photos unfortunately. To make the expanding foam mix I had to use a two to one ratio of the foam to the catalyst, I then had about 8 seconds to mix it thoroughly before pouring it into mould and covering it with the board.
I then went back to the fibre glass version while I waited for the expanding foam to propperly set - while it is very fast I wanted to use all the time in the session to get as much as I possibly could done.
In going back to the fibre glass version, I got the chance to use my new favourite piece of workshop equiptment - the industrual sander! With this I managed to get all the edges sanded down beautifully in just 10 minutes, with the exception of a couple of interior sections that need cutting out. After this I got some wire wool and buffed the rest of the surface.