For those who have followed my blog, you may remember a few months ago I did a short course in model making to learn more and gain more practical experience in props making - one of the outcomes of which was designing and making an ornamental fibre glass resin mask, with copper powder in the surface resin to make it look like antique copper when polished.
The edges have been filed since this photo was taken and all tidied up!
Well, I had an email from the University, and I am delighted to announce that as of Sunday this mask is being exhibited at Durlston Country Park as part of the Arts University Bournemouths Short Courses exhibition of work from previous students. For anyone who goes to the exhibition, this mask is on a plinth with another mask which I believe was made by someone in the same class as me! It is also being exhibited for sale, which is a bit of a moment for me as while I do want to sell it, it is the first mask I have made out of resin and I am tremendiously proud of it, so it will be a bit sad to see it go.