Well its been an interesting day drafting out some initial concept designs for Ruth! After my discussion with director Iona Smith in our meeting, I have gone through the first 6 scenes of the film, following the characters progression and the progression of time and circumstance. As the characters insomnia progresses so too does her tired and weakened state - following what happens with I imagine the majority of people, the more tired people are the less they tend to care about their appearance and the more likely they are to be a bit more rumpled, take a little less care, and this needs to be reflected in the costumes. These are conceptual designs for the initial 6 scenes.
I was taught that when needing to create a lot of designs quickly it was a good tool to make a template and to sketch idea's onto, that can be changed or expanded on. As these are conceptual designs with the idea more of getting the idea produced and communicated quickly, I felt that this was the best method to use.
I had a thought today about the best way to generate a set of costumes for a character in a film following the progression of time that wasn't years or months apart but only days, and realised especially in looking at my own wardrobe that, through knowing and analysing the character I needed to generate an idea to myself of what she would have in her wardrobe to draw on in order to work out what she would pull on in different moods. With this concept, combined with the visuals discussed with Iona, I feel I have found a good idea of the character.