Sunday 10 March 2013

Suits and Jim the Fisherman

It has been one of those days that makes me love my job more then I ever thought possible. This morning began with a trip to Mudeford Quay to see Jim the Fisherman about a lobster pot for the mechanicals. After looking around for a good one for us, he came back with a weathered, traditional lobster pot - price £10. This was an absolute bargain, and after putting it in the boot of the car for me, I was off to the second sourcing job of the day - looking for suits in Bournemouth. I was going to go with Grace but she had a shift at work and had to cancel, so I headed out alone and within the first ten minutes of being in Debenhams I found a taupe ladies suit jacket that was just about perfect.

The idea of the Athenian world to start is that its a very neutral looking, cold environment, very harsh and austere. This suit for Helena, I feel, will play well off that. It has the wider collar that will date it and make it more 70's, while having a very definitely upper class feel to it. Also - it is only £15 over budget, and considering the other suits we have had to look at this is very good.

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