Tuesday 26 February 2013

Mad Hatters - Snatched time for a production meeting

Myself and Tanya Pye managed to snatch enough time to have a miniature production meeting for troubleshooting some of the new costume issues that have arrisen.
The Main Issues:
  • BUDGET - we dont have one. Not a concrete budget - the organiser has asked us to do some fundraising for the costumes ourselves.
  • BUTTONS - the sheer volume of buttons needed for the costumes will require either a lot of the budget, or button donations.
  • TIMELINE - with time marching on, and both myself and Tanya having deadlines for other projects fast approaching, the timeline for the next few months will be crucial in keeping on target and making sure that everything is ready and up to standard.
From this, myself and Tanya were able to come up with a cursory action plan of sorts to address the immediate issues.
Budget - the university has begun running a craft fair once a fortnight to allow students to sell their work and fundraise for their courses and for themselves. Between Tanya's baking skills and my jewelery making and painting we should hopefully be able to raise some money for the costumes. Also, the university students union, while being unable to donate directly to the charity as it counts as a charitable organisation itself, has donated some money towards the costume and set.
Buttons - after discussing it today, we have decided to set up a button bank in our costume studio's in the form of a giant jar and ask for button donations. We are hoping for a good response as our fellow costumers are well known for their generosity of spirit and it is for charity.
Timeline - we have a provisional timeline that we are trying to stick to. While many of the deadlines will remain the same, further refinement is needed.
Three more of the costume designs are now done! The two playing card tabard designs are now done, and so is the costume design for the organiser Becki. It must now be sent to her for approval. As she is the organiser and will therefore be the most in demand and technically active of the crew I have made her costume elegant and simple but functional, cool and easy to move about in.

Very basic rendering of the costume for the organiser!

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