Tuesday 26 February 2013

Romeo and Juliet - not on the wayside!

For my secondary EMP I am doing 10 character costume designs from William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. I chose to do this as my secondary EMP as it is a live project that I am designing for, to be performed in July initially at the Swanage Amphitheatre. Due to the size of A Midsummer Nights Dream, the realisation of which makes up such a large portion of this unit, in order to have a parative portion of work (excuse the alliteration) I have been asked to hand in only 10 of the character designs.
However, proffessionally I will be designing all of the costumes and the set for the production and will be posting about the performance on here under the simple label of Romeo and Juliet2013 for the costumes, and set, that I am not submitting as part of my coursework.
I hope that made sense.
I have been researching for several weeks now into the tudor period, and have been looking heavily into the silhouettes and fabric designs, specifically on the differences between the upper and lower classes.
I have the copy of the script that we are using, will the abreviations and cuts that have been made, and it is making for interesting work in character analysis. With the production for the most part fully cast, I will be working heavily with the actors which will help me that much more to express their characters and characterisation.
I have, over the course of my time at university, developed a fondness for Shakespeare in its many interpretations - and possible interpretations - and am looking forward to designing for a tudor production, though abstracted, as it is a direct contrast to the majoity of projects I have worked on for the last two years, and I have found that I thrive on variety.

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