Tuesday 29 January 2013

Budgets and Maker time!

9:30 - Meeting with the supervisors!

This morning Sarah and Grace met to go over the budgets and form a cohesive idea of costs for sourcing and budgeting for all the costumes and costume groups. We have been given our final budget for the show - £3000 for all the costumes. This may seem like a lot but this it goes down quickly as the costumes pile up. They have worked out between them an initial divide on how much is going where.
2PM - Meeting with Makers.
Following this was a meeting at 2 with Helena and Dannielle to catch Danielle up on what she had missed from the meetings and from our fabric experimentation in the dye room the previous week. This also gave me the opportunity to see where they were both at so far. While Helena has made up her pattern already and has already begun her toille, I am concerned that Danielle has not gotten her measurements yet from the session with the actors, however she has assured me she is using the rest of this week for pattern drafting. 
This gave us the first real opportunity to discuss in depth the look of the fairy costumes and the techniques that might achieve the overall look that I want for the costumes, in particular for Oberon and Titania as they are the two main principals and most detailed fairy costumes. I asked both to bring in any research they had done so far for the textural work. While both had amassed some technique research, Helena had made up a sample that was precisely the look and texture that I want for the fairies. She had achieved this using a combination of water soluble fabric and the shibori mushrooms created during our dye room session. This is the technique that we will be using for all the textural work on the fairies.

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