Tuesday 20 March 2012

Designing away!

These last few days have been all for experimentation and design - and with the presentations looming tomorrow I thought it was about time to give you a sneak peak before it all changes (or not as the case may be) after the meeting with the Moving Tides team.

My initial starting point was the lion fish, and after doing doodles of basic designs during the meetings in my notebook....

...I developed it on to this!

There is the consideration though that the boys may have objections - they have to wear pink, so I need to make it more accessible to them!
So - THE DEEP SEA SLUG! Otherwise known as the Nudibranch, the deep sea slug is a beautiful creature, and strange - very strange! - varied in colour, shape and size they have bright, bold colours and an odd almost gelatinous quality to them, they dont slime there way along like land slugs they ripple through the water.

After a tutorial with Adele I looked at 2 forms of designs for the Sea Slugs - firstly an individual costume to be worn by the students...

... and as a second option, a more simple design for the kids (a mask and T-shirt without the cape) with a giant sea slug that they could take turns carrying through the streets with the dance leader as the Slug Head!

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