Friday 13 April 2012

Issues when websites remove items and add charges...

Upon trying to order my materials I hit a snag.

While the silk has remained the same and thank you to silk craft . co . uk for doing me a lovely 5% discount on that, on other materials I have not been so lucky.

The velcro that I was planning to order from amazon has been removed and replaced by a larger price, and a delivery charge of 90p per box. Also, the high viz jacket website - now when you add to the checkout, it comes out with a £4.99 VAT charge and a £5.99 delivery fee! So now I have spent a lot of my time trying to find the high viz jackets at a lower price, hunting for my origional price of velcro and emailing my tutors to explain the situation. Not good.

On the plus side Amazon do the jackets cheaper then the website I was going to use with the new price.

So am currently waiting on my tutors to get permission on the higher spend, while trying to get more high viz jackets and clothing donated so that will bring the budget back down, however slightly.

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